Cartoon Clouds

by Joseph Remnant
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Series: Cartoon Clouds
Audience: General
For Ages: 16+ years old
For Grades: 11+
Format: Hardcover
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 164
Published: 17th November 2017
Publisher: W W Norton & Company
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 25.0 x 17.0  x 2.0
Weight (kg): 0.57
Edition Number: 1

Joseph Remnant's first original graphic novel Cartoon Clouds follows the recent art school graduate Seth Fallon and his three friends as they try to navigate that anxiety-fueled time between finishing school and trying to figure out what the hell they're going to do with the rest of their lives. With a mountain of debt and no clear path to financial or emotional stability, Seth struggles to find a creative direction that won't leave him homeless. In this world of fashion-conscious art snobs, talentless social media "gurus," and drug addled, trust fund hipsters, he tries to hold on to the few meaningful relationships he has when the institution that held them together is no longer a part of their lives. Told through a series of engaging conversations among the characters that uncannily capture the preoccupations, fears, and ambitions of twentysomethings embarking upon their life, Cartoon Clouds is philosophically reminiscent of the films of Eric Rohmer or Noah Baumbach. Remnant has been a prominent presence in the cartooning scene over the last decade, self-publishing his own comic book Blindspot, illustrating Harvey Pekar's acclaimed Cleveland, and appearing in such magazines as The Believer.

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