Pencil Drawing Cats : Art Made Easy

by Anja Dahl, Jessica West (Translator)

Series: Art Made Easy
Audience: General
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 112
Published: 24th October 2018
Publisher: Quarto US
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 27.9 x 21.6  x 0.51
Weight (kg): 0.42

Pencil Drawing: Cats allows beginning artists to dive into learning how to draw cats of all shapes, sizes, and poses in graphite pencil and charcoal.

With its intuitive design and approachable instruction, Drawing Cats for the Beginning Artist is the perfect resource for new artists to learn the basics they need before moving on to more complex drawing subjects.

Sit down with your graphite and charcoal, and dive into learning how to draw cats in a variety of poses. This books is filled with tips and techniques on the fundamentals you'll need to be successful in drawing these fine felines, including an introduction to tools and materials, arranging a composition, using the grid method, and practicing gesture drawing for mastering skill.

There are also full-color photographs for easy reference as you learn to draw different kinds of kitties, such as the Russian Blue, Maine Coon, Norwegian Forest Cat, Siamese Cat, and the household tabby.

About the Author

Anja Dahl is a freelance artist specializing in painting and sculpture. She is a graphic artist, cartoonist, and illustrator, and her illustrations can be found in both magazines and childrens books throughout Europe.

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