Criminal Law Elements, 6th edition

by Penny Crofts

Published: 24th October 2017
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Audience: Professional and Scholarly
Publisher: Lexis Nexis Australia
Country of Publication: AU
Edition Number: 6

Criminal Law Elements, 6th edition has been fully revised and updated with new leading criminal law cases from principal appellate cases in Australia and new legislative provisions that have effected significant changes to the criminal law. Significant developments covered from Victoria include major revisions to the law of sexual offences and the rules of complicity, abolition of the partial defence of defensive homicide. New South Wales developments include replacement of the defence of provocation with the more restricted defence of extreme provocation; new offence of assault causing death. Criminal Law Elements is a succinct introduction to the essential elements of criminal law in common law states. It provides a clear, accessible and current discussion of the elements of offences studied by students of criminal law in New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia. The author details and explains the basic elements of criminal law and provides examples of how to solve legal problem questions in the criminal law area. It is also a valuable resource for anyone wishing to understand the common law criminal law system and a concise reference for practitioners.
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