The Psychology of Performance | The Psychology of Everything

by Stewart T. Cotterill

Series: The Psychology of Everything
Audience: General
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 114
Published: 15th March 2018
Publisher: Taylor & Francis Ltd
Country of Publication: GB
Dimensions (cm): 19.8 x 12.9  x 1.27
Weight (kg): 0.13

Why is performing under pressure often so difficult? What strategies can help us deliver our best performance? How can we boost our self-confidence?

The Psychology of Performance explores the key psychological factors that affect our ability to cope under pressure, whether it's competing in a sport, appearing in front of an audience, or meeting a tight deadline. It looks at how we develop skills through learning and practice, and how self-confidence and decision-making can be sharpened to boost our expertise. The book explains how to develop the best mindset for performance, and shows how factors such as sleep, nutrition, and rest and recovery can influence our moods and how we function.

When we need to perform a task with little room for error, The Psychology of Performance helps us to understand how to do this to the best of our ability.

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