Shackleton's Way | Leadership Lessons From The Great Antarctic Explorer

by Margot Morrell

Published: 1st February 2003

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Number of Pages: 256

Audience: General Adult

For Ages: 0 years old

Publisher: John Murray

Country of Publication: GB

Edition Number: 1

Edition Type: New edition

Dimensions (cm): 1.8 x 13.1 x 19.9

Weight (kg): 0.19

In 1914, Sir Ernest Shackleton led twenty-seven men, for almost two years, through a harrowing fight for their lives after the wreck of their Antarctic vessel, Endurance, left them stranded on an ice floe twelve hundred miles from civilization. But every man survived. And everyman ascribed it to Shackleton's superb leadership.

Nearly a century later, this once-overlooked explorer is riding a wave of 'Shackleton mania.' Yet nowhere have the secrets of Shackleton's leadership success been fully analysed. Shackleton's Way draws on anecdotes, crew diaries, contemporary material, and interviews with some of today's leaders to illustrate Shackleton's tactics.

Here readers will learn how to manage crises with limited personnel and resources, how to create order out of chaos, how to hire good workers, how to support and inspire employees to do their best, and how to lead by personal example - with optimism, egalitarianism, humour, strength, ingenuity, intelligence, and compassion.

Shackleton's Way is a fascinating and practical case study of a leader who triumphed by putting people first and striving for the seemingly impossible.

About The Author

Margot Morrell, a financial representative with Fidelity Investments, has worked in business for twenty-four years. She has been a student of Shackleton's life and work for more than 15 years. Stephanie Capparell, a journalist for more than 20 years, is a special writer for The Wall Street Journal's Marketplace front page.

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