Australian Taxation 2E

by John Bevacqua, Stephen Marsden, Elizabeth Morton, Luke Xu, Ken Devos, Annette Morgan
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Just in time for Semester 2, 2022, the new edition of Australian Taxation has been updated to reflect the changes to the 2021/2022 tax rates (including the March 2022 budget). This text has been written specifically for accounting students, with a clear and concise narrative and vibrant full-colour design to help students understand the core legal concepts needed for the course.

New features include stronger links to case law, enhanced coverage of ethics, and an expanded discussion of technology, including cryptocurrency examples in every chapter. The second edition aligns to the Tax Practitioner Board Standards to ensure that the content covers this accreditation.

The interactive e-text will include animated work problems, questions with immediate feedback, and brand new practitioner interview videos to provide students with an engaging learning experience.

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