Whose Crisis, Whose Future?

by Susan George
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Audience: Professional
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 212
Published: 29th October 2010
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons (UK)
Country of Publication: GB
Dimensions (cm): 21.0 x 14.0  x 2.3
Weight (kg): 0.42
Edition Number: 1

It is a rare and wonderful thing when a book by one of our most trusted intellects arrives at the precise moment in history when it is needed most. All that is left is for us to pick it up and act to change the course of history. Naomi Klein, author of the Shock Doctrine

A really valuable and impressive book. Susan George leads us through a chamber of horrors ... Fortunately, the lucid and carefully documented picture she presents also shows that there are paths out of the darkness, realistic and within reach if the will is there. Lessons to be taken to heart by those who have concern for humans and their fate. Noam Chomsky

Susan George has a rare gift for seeing the big picture. She explains wiht great clarity theforces that oppress us, the choices that face us and the action that needs to be taken. Please read this book: it will equio you beter than any other to confront the injustices of a world run for the benefit of a tiny elite. George monbiot

Crisis? Whose crisis? Today we are in the midst of a multifaceted crisis which touches the lives of everyone on the planet. Whether it's growing poverty and inequality or shrinking access to food and water, the collapse of global financial markets or the dire effects of climate change, every aspect of this crisis can be traced to a transnational neoliberal elite that has steadily eroded our rights and stripped us of power. And yet our world has never been so wealthy, and we have right now, all the knowledge, tools and skills we need to build a greener, fairer, richer world. Such a breakthrough is not some far-fetched utopia, but an immediate, concrete possibility. Our future is in our hands.

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