Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today's Schools

by Ann Turnbull, H. Rutherford Turnbull, H. Turnbull, Michael Wehmeyer, Karrie Shogren

Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 528
Published: 1st March 2019
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 27.2 x 21.4  x 2.2
Weight (kg): 1.02
Edition Number: 9

Real students, real stories, and real solutions
Exceptional Lives: Practice, Progress, & Dignity in Today's Schools pairs real-life stories about children, their families, and their educators with the most recent evidence-based research on inclusion of students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment.

The 9th Edition highlights the important themes of ensuring students' progress using research-based instruction and the ethical principle of dignity. New chapters examine educational progress and long-term outcomes; school-wide supports; cross-cutting instructional approaches; and diversity and social justice. With its focus on real students, stories, and solutions, Exceptional Lives gives readers a comprehensive view of the rewards, challenges, and triumphs involved in special education today.

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