
by Derek Walcott

Published: 1st June 1992

Format: Paperback

Language: English

Number of Pages: 336

Audience: General Adult

Publisher: NOONDAY PR

Country of Publication: US

Dimensions (cm): 27.5 x 16.7 x 7

Weight (kg): 0.44

A Masterpiece of Modern Epic Poetry

Dive into the poignant verses of Omeros, a grand opus of epic poetry penned by Nobel laureate Derek Walcott. Told in multiple chapters and tracing two currents of history, this work offers an immersive blend of historic account and personal sentiment.

Titled with the Greek name for Homer, Omeros elegantly traverses the surface and depths of history. While wrapping you in the intricacies of Caribbean literature and Latin American poetry, the verses of Omeros take you on an emotional journey through Saint Lucian landscapes.

Celebrate the spirit of this significant contribution to Caribbean poetry and St. Lucian literature while unraveling the complex themes of 20th-century poetry, including slavery, Native American history, and more.

"One of the great poems of our time." --John Lucas, New Statesman

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