Australian Social Policy and the Human Services 3rd edition

by Ed Carson
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Audience: General
Format: Book with Other Items
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 506
Published: 31st August 2020
Country of Publication: GB
Dimensions (cm): 24.77 x 17.78  x 2.54
Weight (kg): 0.91
Edition Number: 3
Edition Type: Revised

Social policy encompasses the study of social needs, policy development and administrative arrangements aimed at improving citizen wellbeing and redressing disadvantage.

Australian Social Policy and the Human Services introduces readers to the mechanisms of policy development, implementation and evaluation. This third edition emphasises the complexity of practice, examining the links and gaps between policy development and implementation and encouraging readers to develop a critical approach to practice.

The text now includes an overview of Australia's political system and has been expanded significantly to cover contemporary issues across several policy domains, including changes in labour market structure, homelessness, mental health and disability, child protection and family violence, education policy, Indigenous initiatives, conceptualisations of citizenship, and the rights of diverse groups and populations.

Written in an engaging and accessible style, Australian Social Policy and the Human Services is an indispensable resource for students and practitioners alike.

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