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Mathematics in Early Childhood Education 2nd Edition
Explores mathematics in a range of early childhood contexts, including home, playgroup, childcare, preschool, and school to help pre-service teachers increase confidence and build up a comprehensive professional identity as a mathematics educator.
A comprehensive guide to early childhood mathematics education.Mathematics in Early Childhood Education explores mathematics in a range of early childhood contexts, including home, playgroup, childcare, preschool, and school.The text provides many opportunities to engage children with mathematical concepts and processes through play, exploration, routines, and activities.Part 1 frames the teaching of mathematics in early childhood education including chapters dedicated to curricula and theories.Part 2 explains mathematics education approaches, including a strengths-based approach, and the importance of families and informal learning opportunities.Part 3 provides learning experience plans on topics such as patterns, measurement, data, algebra, number, space and geometry.KEY FEATURES Birth to age 8 focus with curriculum connections to both the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF) and the Australian CurriculumSample learning experiences to build content knowledgeEducator Reflections and Opinion Pieces from current educators provide insights into their practices and work with young children
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