Psychology 6E ANZ & an Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology 5E Print Pack

by Lorelle J. Burton

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Psychology 6E ANZ & an Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology 5E Print Pack

Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Multi-Copy Pack
Language: English
Published: 7th November 2022
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Australia
Dimensions (cm): 29.0 x 25.0  x 15.0
Weight (kg): 3.23
Edition Number: 6

This is a Value Pack that includes both Psychology, 6th Australian and New Zealand Edition (9780730396642) and An Interactive Approach Writing Essays Research Reports in Psychology (9780730389439)

The new sixth edition of the Burton Psychology textbook is the gold standard ANZ resource on the market. After comprehensive consultation and research, the new edition has been reduced by 19%, and refreshed to include cross-cultural psychology throughout the book. The text has also been reorganised to place new chapters on Indigenous Psychology and M?ori Psychology front and centre, and includes a new instructor support package on how to teach Indigenous Psychology. An Interactive Approach to Writing Essays and Research Reports in Psychology, 5th Edition is a writing guide that provides students an engaging, accessible introduction to the conventions of writing in the APA style. Its straightforward, user-friendly style provides a thorough overview and is suited for undergraduate students of any discipline who write reports and essays in the APA style.

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