Clinical Reasoning

by Tracy Levett-Jones
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Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Published: 12th October 2022
Publisher: Pearson Education
Country of Publication: AU
Edition Number: 3

The 3rd edition provides a series of authentic, engaging and meaningful scenarios that guide nursing students through the clinical reasoning process, while challenging them to think critically and creatively about the nursing care they provide.

It promotes deep learning and opportunities to rehearse how to respond to real clinical situations in ways that are both person-centred and clinically astute.

Pearson eText, will be offered as a more interactive digital option for the 3rd edition, including interactive questions and activities, providing student with immediate access to answers and feedback.


  • Scenarios with 8 step process of the clinical reasoning cycle. For each critical concept, the content is all structured around a scenario with an 8-step process. This gives students the opportunity to connect the theory to something real in a low stakes environment, while also solidifying a step-by-step process they can follow and apply in study and real life.
  • Quick Quiz - At the end of relevant sections, these scaffolded quizzes consolidate student's learning of key concepts developed and connecting it with the scenario from the chapter.

New to this edition

  • Coverage of aged care updated - Aged care policy has been reviewed by the government and students need to have the most up-to-date information about aged care and other topics.
  • PSCF and NSQHS standards included - There is increased importance on patient safety standards, critical for any to-be nurse, and references to these standards will help students understand how the relevant standards are applied to topics.
  • NMBA standards as separate feature - The NMBA standards are critical for any nurse and including them as a feature allows students to clearly see how topics and standards apply to in-practice nursing.
  • Chapter 12 - focus on Parkinson's disease as opposed to discussion of general complex and chronic health conditions - A focus on one disease allows for deep and thorough understanding of how diseases can impact a person's life, and teaches students how to apply knowledge learnt to other diseases and situations.
  • Pearson eText - This edition will also be available in Pearson eText with interactive questions allowing students to test themselves and get instant feedback at the point of trying. Students want to be able to receive just-in-time feedback to consolidate their understanding of concepts. Further to this, by creating a more engaging option, it'll appeal to students who learn in different ways, and not just by reading.
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