Animal Behavior 11th edition

by Dustin R. Rubenstein, John Alcock

Series: Sinauer
Audience: Tertiary; University or College
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 672
Published: 2nd July 2018
Publisher: Oxford University Press USA
Country of Publication: US
Dimensions (cm): 28 x 23  x 4
Weight (kg): 1.67
Edition Number: 11

A comparative and integrative overview of how and why animals as diverse as insects and humans behave the way that they do, linking behaviors to the brain, genes, and hormones, as well as to the surrounding ecological and social environments.

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New to This Edition:

  • New lead author, Dustin Rubenstein, widely known for his research and teaching accomplishments, is an integrative behavioral and evolutionary ecologist who studies the evolution of complex animal societies, and how organisms adapt to and cope with environmental change
  • A renewed focus on integration that links the evolution of behavior to neural, genetic, and physiological mechanisms
  • A return to its classic organizational structure, with proximate mechanisms introduced before an extended discussion of the ultimate factors underlying behavior, integrating both throughoutIntroduction of cutting-edge neuro and genomic research approaches, all while maintaining a focus on the theoretical aspects of the field in an explicit hypothesis testing framework
  • Building on the foundation of previous editions, new pedagogical features designed to engage students and aid instructors, including Integrative Approaches, Exploring Behavior by Interpreting Data, Darwinian Puzzles, and Hypotheses TablesQR codes provide students rapid access to actual audio clips of birdsongs, and high-definition video clips of animal behaviorsUpdated and revised artwork that features more color, a more consistent palette for figures, crisper photographs, and error bars on figures
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