Teaching English Language Learners in Mainstream Classes

by Margery Hertzberg

Audience: Professional
Format: Paperback
Language: English
Number Of Pages: 192
Published: 1st November 2011
Publisher: PETAA
Country of Publication: AU
Dimensions (cm): 24 x 21.5  x 1.5
Weight (kg): 0.53

Schools in Australia are diverse, both in the numbers of English language learners and the multiplicity of cultural and linguistic backgrounds from which the learners come. Many students, beyond the very beginning stages of learning English, will be in mainstream classes and may receive little support from specialist English language teachers.

Teaching English Language Learners in Mainstream Classesdemonstrates English language learning pedagogical practices that both engage and enhance academic English proficiency. Mainstream teachers, who may have minimal or no specialist English language teaching assistance or experience, will find the strategies and support within this book extremely useful and relevant.

It begins by considering general and current ELL (ESL, EAL/D) theory. The later chapters go on to examine specific theories in the areas of oracy, reading and writing, and are appropriate for students in the developing and consolidating phases of English language learning.

Many examples in the book are illustrated with authentic and recent student work samples. This book also helps readers to plan an effective ELL program for the diverse needs of English language learners.

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